all postcodes in PH41 / MALLAIG

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH41 4PH 3 0 57.001642 -5.529958
PH41 4PL 84 13 57.040516 -5.697775
PH41 4PP 7 0 56.970086 -5.633252
PH41 4PS 8 1 57.145785 -6.212499
PH41 4PU 13 9 57.005302 -5.829361
PH41 4QS 14 5 57.004813 -5.828586
PH41 4PX 13 11 57.006113 -5.830202
PH41 4PY 13 10 57.005926 -5.828947
PH41 4PZ 1 1 57.005608 -5.829079
PH41 4QA 1 1 57.005944 -5.829559
PH41 4QB 3 3 57.006201 -5.828928
PH41 4QD 7 7 57.006847 -5.828088
PH41 4QF 16 1 57.004221 -5.824735
PH41 4QG 38 1 57.00591 -5.821843
PH41 4QH 26 0 57.007806 -5.820984
PH41 4QJ 36 0 57.008888 -5.820007
PH41 4QL 7 0 57.009669 -5.820334
PH41 4QN 21 0 57.01137 -5.811444
PH41 4QP 32 0 57.007909 -5.819249
PH41 4QQ 20 0 57.010555 -5.819898